Challan Hall and Arnside Tower

7.3 miles | 11.7 km | 439 m Ascent | 9.4 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
Silverdale and Arnside are great walking locations – Bentham Footpath Group often base walks in this area.
This walk includes the Knott and it’s great views before heading to an ancient “pele” tower and through a nature reserve to Challan Hall and Hawes Water. From there we pass a gingerbread house in the woods before seeing an even bigger pele tower and ending the walk.

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Bull Beck and Annas Ghyll

5.3 miles | 8.5 km | 228 m Ascent | 6.4 Naismith miles | Don Cartledge
An easy walk takes us out from Bull Beck car park down the Millennium park way to Caton where we head up toward Brookhouse Methodist Church. Here we take a path over fields toward Gresgarth Hall, before taking a path over open fields to a green lane and the Littledale Road.
A short road section takes us to Annas Ghyll where we crest the ridge and walk down to Caton Green Road. A path through housing takes back into open fields and we return to the A683 and Bull Beck car park

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Austwick Short Walk

4.5 miles | 7.3 km | 245 m Ascent | 5.8 Naismith miles | Graham Cooper
This circular walk starts from Austwick. We first head out of the village along Wood Lane before cutting back to cross the Austwick Beck at the Flascoe bridge from where we walk down to the Horton road.
A right turn takes us to a well signed bridle way up to the pretty hamlet of Wharfe, and from there we head up the Dales Highway path to the “wash dubs”. There we cross a small stone clapper bridge to take the footpath over the fields back down into Austwick.

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Silverdale, Arnside Knott and The Pepperpot Monument

6.9 miles | 11.1 km | 478 m Ascent | 8.2 Naismith miles | Sandra Craggs
Silverdale is a great place to walk, and BFG have used it as start point many times. This easy walk heads out of the village up to Arnside Knott where there are panoramic views over the Kent Estuary. We then head over to Arnside Tower, Eaves Wood and the Pepper pot monument before returning to the start.

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Slaidburn short circular

4.7 miles | 7.5 km | 228 m Ascent | 5.8 Naismith miles | George Sheridan
Slaidburn is a great place to start a walk. Parking is at the village hall car park, adjacent to a good café for refreshments.
This easy walk takes us out of the village past the Hark To Bounty pub and then onto paths along the Croasdale Brook. We skirt Tenter Hill and then head north to the farm at Croasdale House where we set off back toward Slaidburn past Shay House. We re-join the road at Town Head and stroll back through the village to end the walk.
Excellent views of the moors are available throughout. Public toilets are sited at the car park.

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Gargrave and Leeds to Liverpool Canal

7.4 miles | 12.0 km | 375 m Ascent | 9.3 Naismith miles | Kate Rowe
We start from Gargrave village where there is ample free parking and public toilets, as well as shops and refreshment opportunities, before crossing the River Aire to pick up the Pennine way.
This well trodden path takes us to the unusual double bridge at East Marton, where we turn round and return via the towing path of Britain’s longest canal.

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Devils Bridge to Casterton and Barbon

9.5 miles | 15.3 km | 350 m Ascent | 11.2 Naismith miles | David & Sheila Longton
This long but relatively gentle walk starts from Kirkby Lonsdale, and takes quiet lanes through High Casterton to Casterton Village. From here we follow the base of Barbon Low Fell over to Barbon where we cross the A683 and return through Kirkby Lonsdale Golf course before taking a path down the side of the River Lune for a while. We briefly return to Casterton before finding a route back to our starting point via Casterton Golf Course and the caravan park.

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