Low Bentham

4.8 miles | 7.7 km | 264 m Ascent | 6.1 Naismith miles | Alan Parker
We start from the free car park at Harley Bank and then cross the Wenning to walk up Mill lane as far as Clouds Bank. We then take a path over fields to pick up Eskew Lane at the Punch Bowl, and cross the river again to take the “fairy steps” to West End Farm.
From there we take a lane and then a footpath to Goodenburgh Holiday Park, where we cross Ravens Close Brow and take the footpath over to Gill Farm. Here we turn right on Back Lane. This brings us back to Ravens Close Brow at the Solar Farm where we cross the fields to arrive back at Low Bentham at Green Head Farm. We end the walk with a pleasant stroll through the village.

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8.2 miles | 13.1 km | 351 m Ascent | 9.9 Naismith miles | Alan Parker
Silverdale is a popular walking area, offering fine views in clear weather, and the area is one that the Bentham Footpath Group often explores.
The route is . . .
• Via the golf course to Hagg Wood
• To the edge of Silverdale village
• To The Cove, then up to Eaves Wood
• Behind Challan Hall to Hawes Water and Yealand Hall Allotment
• Finally across Leighton Moss to return to the RSPB centre.

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