Our History

Do you remember cameras?

There was a time when taking a picture meant using a camera and then having the film developed. That made photography much less accessible than it is now, when taking a super detailed snap with a smartphone takes no effort at all.  The thought of archiving dozens of images, as we now do for every walk, would have been inconceivable in those days.

But people did indeed take pictures – and the fact that there was a cost to doing so meant that the images were often more special. People treasured those old snaps, and we all have a drawer or box full of them tucked away safely somewhere. They look different too – they seem to capture an age better than a modern smartphone.

On this part of the website, we would like to share some albums that have been made available to us recently. Along with those pictures are some more general local history materials. Please note though that to click through to any of the following pages you will need to be a signed in member of our group. The reason we have set things up this way is because it is not possible to get permission to show these pictures from some of the individuals shown.

Our archive . . .

Len moody was one of several founder-members of the group, and he kept albums of pictures taken on group walks, and at key moments in the group’s history. His daughters Jenny and Bridget are still  members, and recently Jenny suggested showing some of these pictures to members – so thank you for starting the archive for us.

If other members have similar archive materials and would like to share them with group members via the website, use the contact us page to let us know – your faithful webmaster will do all the hard work.

Bentham Footpath Group archives

Local history - not specifically BFG