Next Walk

Join us on our next walk . . .

On Wednesday 31st

Ravenstonedale / Newbiggin-on-Lune

6.5 miles

Lairgill 9:30am

Finally, on Wednesday 31st, Alison Kinder and Colin Stroud take us on a 6.5 mile ramble round Ravenstonedale. The start is from outside St. Oswolds church, Ravenstonedale, from where we head to Town Head Farm, High Greenside and on to Beckstones Farm. Eventually we reach Newbiggin, where we soon head for Smardale by Browner and join the route of the former Stainmore Railway as far as the Smardalegill viaduct. We walk down to reach the river which we follow back to the start.Back to July calendar 

But what will the weather be doing? . . . .