Sign up . .

Bentham Footpath Group: why be a registered user?

Firstly, understand that becoming a registered user is not the same as joining the group.

  • We do not currently offer an option to join the group or pay your membership fees via the website. This is because we want to keep the Webmaster and Treasurer workloads separate.

So how do I join the group?

  • Simply come to one of our walks and ask any of the existing members who to pay, and we’ll help you out.

So what’s this page for?

  • This page, and the form below, are to sign up for full access to the website.
  • Almost all of the website, including every single walk, is freely available to non-members.
  • We allow registered users access to a little bit more – contact details for all members and some history pages for example.
  • If you are a non-member using the site to find walks, just enjoy the content. You do not need to sign up or formally join us.
  • If you feel guilty about getting so much joy for free, just press the donate button!
  • It would be wrong to make our members contact details available to people we don’t know – so please do not try and register as a user if you are not already a group member.

I’m  a paid member and I want full access to the website

  • Use the form below to register, but be aware that all this does is send us an email – registration is not automatic and will always be restricted to people we know.
  • If you are leading a walk, it is important that other members can contact you to ask about the walk, so please register well before your walk.

What happens next?

We will email you using the address you just provided and give you a password. Once you log in using the username you nominated and the initial password we provided, you can change your password.

click here for a guide to changing your password.