About the photos . . .

If you came here to view the photos from one of the walks, then you are in the wrong place! 
Open the walk you want to view and then click the gallery link.

Bentham Footpath Group: All about our photographs

During the course of each walk we take a number of photographs – you will already have seen many of them on the Gallery section of each walk. Group members have asked a number of questions about the photographs so it may be helpful to share the answers:

Click on the + symbols below to find out more . . . 

Yes – if you took a picture during one of the walks that you think deserves to be shared with the world, then please email the picture to us using the address webmaster@benthamfootpathgroup.co.uk

If you find an image on the internet that you think we should include on a page to illustrate a point – perhaps a picture of a visited location in times past, in fact anything you think adds interest – then send a link so that we can check the copyright position; we can’t just assume that pictures can be copied.

Yes. The simplest way to do this is to open the gallery that contains the picture you want a copy of, and then to download it directly to your device. This is a simple  process – but it varies a little depending on what you use to view the website.

From a PC . . .

  1. Open the post for the walk you want.
  2. Click on the link that says jump to . . . gallery.
  3. Scroll down until you find the picture you want.
  4. Dont worry if it’s small – the order of the pictures in the gallery changes on a random basis, and to enable this to happen the displayed image may be resized – but your download will be always full sized.
  5. Hover your mouse over the picture – it will go dark to show you you are pointing at the right one, but that doesn’t mean the download will be dark.
  6. Right click on the picture, and click on save link as . . .
  7. Enter a loction and file name and then click save
  8. A copy is now on your machine
  9. Top tip: When you right click, Don’t use save image as . . . That may result in security warnings – no harm will be done, but the save link as method is easier.

From a  phone . . .

  1. Open the post for the walk you want.
  2. Click on the link that says jump to . . . gallery.
  3. Scroll down until you find the picture you want.
  4. Press and hold the picture  – a pop up menu of choices will appear
  5. Select Share image
  6. Use the share method that is most convenient – email is usually the best, emailing the picture to yourself as an attachment

Yes. You may notice that the photo you have downloaded starts to look grainy and pixelated as you zoom in closer. This is typical of photos on websites, and it happens because when we designed the web page we wanted the photos to load quickly, to eat less of your data allowance on a mobile, and to stay within our own disk space limits on the servers we use. In order to achieve these things we need to minimize the file size for each picture, and so we resize every image to be no larger than necessary for web viewing.

The original picture that we took on the day will in most cases be larger and more detailed, and all of them are safely archived. If you want a copy of the original use the contact us page to ask – all we need to know is the name of the picture you need, and an email address to send it to. You can find the name by hovering over the picture and reading the name at the bottom left of your screen. 

First of all, please accept out apology, we do try to make sure that all the pictures we show present group members in a favourable way, and we discard photos where people have their eyes closed, or were caught in the middle of biting a sandwich or just look out of sorts. If we got that wrong – we can fix it:

Just email us via the contact page and tell us which photo you want us to remove, and we will action that as soon as possible. All you need to tell us is the name of the photograph. You can find that by hovering over the picture and reading the name at the bottom left of your screen. 

You don’t have to give us a reason why you want the photo removed, and we promise not to question your judgement.

You may have noticed that the gallery appears differently every time you visit a walk page. This is deliberate . . . 

  • The order of the pictures is random; we do this so that over a few visits they are all given “first billing”. 
  • The size of the pictures also varies; we do this so that they fit together is a nice neat way, so even if a picture looks small, behind the scenes a full sized version is always available.

Here is a quick guide to using the gallery . . .

  • Start by opening the page for the walk you want to see.
  • Then click on the link that says jump to . . . gallery
  • You will then see all the pictures associated with that walk.
  • On a PC or tablet they will be presented as tiles of varying size, whilst on a phone they will be a vertical list to scroll through.
  • If you are using a PC then you can choose an alternate view – just click on any picture and it will load full sized in the middle of your screen.
  • Press the <- or -> arrows on you keyboard to navigate through the pictures one by one at full size, and when you are done click the X to close that view.

No, we don’t have the skill or the time to do that, so what you see is what was really there on the day. We may on occasions use pictures taken on the same walk at another time – typically a few days apart. This enables us to show views as they would be if the weather had been better. We always note when we have done that in the walk header.

In addition to that, we may crop pictures just to make them more presentable, and we may adjust brightness and contrast on the phone before adding to the website.

The quick answer is that any pictures in the gallery or any other part of an individual walk page are free for you to use for non commercial use. There is no charge, and no prior permission is needed. 

However, the wide pictures used in the headers of the main pages pages may have been downloaded from other sources. We had permission to do that – but you may not, so these should not be used.

For more details refer to the copyright page.