
Barley to Twiston and Rimington Moors

7.7 miles | 12.3 km | 486 m Ascent | 10.1 Naismith miles | George Sheridan
This circular walk from the lovely village of Barley offers fantistic views of three fundamentally different areas: Pendle Hill, the Yorkshire Dales, and the Colne Valley. Just in our “moderate” challenge category, this is a good walk for a crisp clear winter day.
If you want a longer version – add in the sculpture park at Aitken Wood

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Preston Patrick

7.5 miles | 12.0 km | 451 m Ascent | 9.7 Naismith miles | Robert Baines
A really good walk through less well walked areas: Although classed as moderate walk, this is because the distance is marginally over 12 km. The surfaces are easy, and the inclines gentle, so dont dismiss this walk as too harsh.
Good views over Hutton Roof and Farleton Fell can be had an a clear day, and sections of canal always add interest.

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