July 2022

Ullswater Way (linear)

11.0 miles | 17.6 km | 786 m Ascent | 14.9 Naismith miles | Ed Badley
Most of the walks that Bentham Footpath Group offers are circular, but this challenging walk on the Ullswater Way uses public transport to get us back to the starting point – which means that we can cover almost half of the route around the entire lake in one go.
The Ullswater way covers 21 miles in four self-contained sections, 2 of which we cover on this walk: Pooley Bridge to Aira Force via Maiden Castle is about 7 miles –or we press on to Glenridding – a further 4 miles, where the bus awaits.
The notes cover the full 11 mile distance, but we would rate the walk as “moderate” if the shorter route is selected.

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Horton in Ribblesdale

9.6 miles | 15.5 km | 454 m Ascent | 11.9 Naismith miles | Sue King
We start in Horton and then walk up to the station where we cross the lines and take the path up to Sulber Nick. Here we turn right along the Pennine Bridleway for a while, but when the bridleway heads East toward the road, we press on North to the entrance to Alum Pot and then head right to take the lane down into Selside.
From Selside we turn left and head over to High Birkwith, crossing the upper reaches of the Ribble, to reconnect with the Pennine Bridleway, which takes us up toward Old Ing. Before we get that far though, we take a sharp right to pick up a path heading South along the contours of Horton Moor.
This eventually comes down to a quiet lane at New Houses which we follow back to Horton.

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4.1 miles | 6.7 km | 144 m Ascent | 4.8 Naismith miles | Kate Rowe
This excellent walk in and around Eldroth takes no more than 2 -3 hours – even with a brief stop at the quarry, and allowing time for several stiles.
We start by heading across farmland toward Lawkland with the panoramic views of Giggleswick Scar. Just before Lawkland Hall we double back and cross the railway before heading back to the Eldroth Road where we cross over to the disused quarry. Good views in all directions can be enjoyed from this high spot.
A short section of walking on generally empty roads then takes us to Accerhill Hall and Howith Farm before we return to the road at Black Bank Farm
We then take a footpath North at Black Bank to come back under the railway to the village hall where the walk ends.

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8.0 miles | 12.9 km | 466 m Ascent | 10.3 Naismith miles | Rick Clapham
Dentdale and Dent Village are stunningly beautiful, but perhaps because the roads into them are all minor, they tend to be less crowded than we might expect – a good thing in our books.
This walk combines the flat tranquil meadows along the Dee with a stroll through the village and up Flintergill where we take the ancient Green Lane known as the Occupation Road, enjoying long distance views down Barbondale, and over to the Howgills.
At the end of the Occupation Road, we turn right toward Gawthrop, and then loop round Stone Rigg, now with views up Dentdale, before following a path down to Dillicar where the Dales Way leads back to our start.

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5.7 miles | 9.2 km | 208 m Ascent | 6.8 Naismith miles | Graham Cooper
Bentham Footpath Group aims to offer a wide choice of walks, showcasing the wonderful area that we live in.
We start at the Ribblehead Viaduct – perhaps the most photographed structure in the Yorkshire Dales, and then set off as if we were heading up Whernside. Just before the Bleamoor signal box though we divert under the railway to track along the contours of Whernside at low level on flat(ish) ground and solid paths. This gives us great views toward Ingleborough.
When we meet the path coming back down from the top of Whernside, we go left down Philpin Lane to pick up the return path along the valley bottom to Haws Gill Wheel. This is the only part of the walk where we need to tread carefully as wet limestone can be slippery.
We follow Winterscales Beck all the way back to Gunnerfleet Farm and then back under the centre of the viaduct to complete the walk

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