Winding Hole

Preston Patrick

7.5 miles | 12.0 km | 451 m Ascent | 9.7 Naismith miles | Robert Baines
A really good walk through less well walked areas: Although classed as moderate walk, this is because the distance is marginally over 12 km. The surfaces are easy, and the inclines gentle, so dont dismiss this walk as too harsh.
Good views over Hutton Roof and Farleton Fell can be had an a clear day, and sections of canal always add interest.

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Holmepark Fell

7.1 miles | 11.4 km | 383 m Ascent | 9.0 Naismith miles | Don Cartledge
We start in Holme village and pick up the Lancaster Canal heading north and passing Farleton.
We then take minor lanes around the back of Farleton Fell, before taking paths over fields to Puddlemire lane and then from Town End Farm up onto the base of Newbiggin Crags at Whin Yeats. The landscape here is dominated by limestone outcrops and spectacular pavements with atmospheric isolated trees that attract many an amateur photographer.
We briefly return to a minor lane before cutting through Holmepark Fell, next to the huge Holme Park Quarry, before meeting the A6070 at Holme Park Farm. A short section on the verge of the road returns us to Holme.

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