Low Bentham

Furnessford & Hindburn Bridges

8.5 miles | 13.6 km | 361 m Ascent | 10.3 Naismith miles | Susan Badley
Bentham Footpath Group Walks generally start within an hour’s drive of Bentham – there is so much wonderful walking country within that radius that we are always spoiled for choice. This excellent walk – aided by near perfect weather – highlights the fact that Bentham itself is a great place to start a walk.
We start in low Bentham and cross the Wenning at the pedestrian bridge were the Silk Mills once stood, and then head up Mill Lane as far as Kirkbeck where we take paths across fields to Mewith lane and then across to Spens Farm.
We cross the Hindburn for the first time at Furnessford Bridge, and then head over to Cragg Hall, before descending back to the river to cross at Hindburn Bridge. From there we head up to Mealbank and take paths across fields to follow the Wenning Valley upstream with great views across to Ingleborough and Whernside along the way. Passing Robert Hall, we head down Eskew Lane and back to Low Bentham.

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Bentham to Low Bentham Circular

5.3 miles | 8.6 km | 318 m Ascent | 6.9 Naismith miles | David Longton
The Bentham Footpath Group presents walks all over the Yorkshire Dales, Forest of Bowland, South Lakes and associated areas. It’s therefore easy to forget that we have great walks on our own doorstep.
This walk then, is a reminder of how lucky we are to live here.
The walk also remembers Dorothy Stubbs, a popular group member, and this easy route was chosen to allow as many family and Bentham Footpath Group members to join us as possible.
Although the route passes a number of places particularly associated with Dorothy, those who were not lucky enough to know her will still find this a great local walk with excellent views.

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