
Great Mitton

5.2 miles | 10.7 km | 170m Ascent | 6.0 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
This easy riverside walk starts from Edisford Bridge in Clitheroe and follows the Ribble downstream, to Mitton Bridge, where we cross and return.
The route could easily be combined with a day out in Clitheroe – the castle and museum are well worth visiting.
During the summer months, the bridge and the banks of the River Ribble are a magnet for families enjoying picnics; The Bentham Footpath group tackled the walk on a cold and icy winter’s day, so we had the place to ourselves.

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Lower Garsdale

6.4 miles | 10.3 km | 295 m Ascent | 7.9 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
Garsdale is one of the less-visited Dales in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and that’s something of a shame, because it’s particularly attractive. It runs East / West between Baugh Fell to the North, and Rise Hill to the South.
This walk starts at a large car park on the A684 with great views of the Howgills, and then heads up the dale on a small and very quiet road following the lower slopes of the imposing Baugh Fell.
We return on the other side of the dale following the Clough River past New Bridge before picking up the Sedgwick Geological trail on our way back to the car park.

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Challan Hall and Arnside Tower

7.3 miles | 11.7 km | 439 m Ascent | 9.4 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
Silverdale and Arnside are great walking locations – Bentham Footpath Group often base walks in this area.
This walk includes the Knott and it’s great views before heading to an ancient “pele” tower and through a nature reserve to Challan Hall and Hawes Water. From there we pass a gingerbread house in the woods before seeing an even bigger pele tower and ending the walk.

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