

12.7 miles | 20.5 km | 371 m Ascent | 14.6 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
This walk gives us the opportunity to explore some of the excellent walking country right on our doorstep.
We start in Wray just a few minutes’ drive from Bentham, and walk back to Wennington before heading over to Wrayton. From there we walk back down the Lune Valley to Loyn Bridge and then into Hornby before returning to Wray.
This walk offers a wide variety of landscapes. There are a good number of stiles, but none of the hills are steep.
We grade it as challenging simply because it’s quite long, and if you wanted a shortened version, cutting back to Hornby from Loyn Bridge along the road would be viable.

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Devils Bridge to Casterton and Barbon

9.5 miles | 15.3 km | 350 m Ascent | 11.2 Naismith miles | David & Sheila Longton
This long but relatively gentle walk starts from Kirkby Lonsdale, and takes quiet lanes through High Casterton to Casterton Village. From here we follow the base of Barbon Low Fell over to Barbon where we cross the A683 and return through Kirkby Lonsdale Golf course before taking a path down the side of the River Lune for a while. We briefly return to Casterton before finding a route back to our starting point via Casterton Golf Course and the caravan park.

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