Bailey Bridge

Glasson Dock and Lancaster Canal Spur

6.0 miles | 9.6 km | 67 m Ascent | 6.3 Naismith miles | Alison Kinder & Colin Stroud
The Lancaster Canal features in a number of Bentham Footpath Group Walks – not entirely surprising given that Bentham has a Lancaster postcode, and canals generally offer scenic walking opportunities. This time, we explore Glasson Dock and the Glasson Branch – one of the last parts of the UK canal network to be built, before the railways largely replaced water transport.
From convenient parking at Conder Green, we first head inland first through farms and up to the Lancaster Canal at Galgate. We then go south along the towpath until we get to the junction with the Glasson Arm, which we follow all the way down to Glasson Dock – one of the few places where our canal network connects to the sea.
The return from the Marina and Dock is via a disused railway line offering great views of the estuary, and there are several opportunities along the route to combine this easy and generally flat walk with pub lunches.

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Selside and Ribblehead

5.9 miles | 9.5 km | 181 m Ascent | 6.8 Naismith miles | Graham Cooper
Just a short distance from home, this walk is easy and short enough to do in a morning or afternoon when the opportunity arises, and the weather promises fine views.
It features great views of the three peaks, a heronry, wild deer, a bailey bridge, listed buildings, nature reserves, academic research sites, and given that it runs along the Settle to Carlisle railway, the off-chance that you will see a steam train or be buzzed by the RAF.
What more could you want in less than 6 miles?

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