

5.7 miles | 9.2 km | 208 m Ascent | 6.8 Naismith miles | Graham Cooper
Bentham Footpath Group aims to offer a wide choice of walks, showcasing the wonderful area that we live in.
We start at the Ribblehead Viaduct – perhaps the most photographed structure in the Yorkshire Dales, and then set off as if we were heading up Whernside. Just before the Bleamoor signal box though we divert under the railway to track along the contours of Whernside at low level on flat(ish) ground and solid paths. This gives us great views toward Ingleborough.
When we meet the path coming back down from the top of Whernside, we go left down Philpin Lane to pick up the return path along the valley bottom to Haws Gill Wheel. This is the only part of the walk where we need to tread carefully as wet limestone can be slippery.
We follow Winterscales Beck all the way back to Gunnerfleet Farm and then back under the centre of the viaduct to complete the walk

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Devils Bridge to Casterton and Barbon

9.5 miles | 15.3 km | 350 m Ascent | 11.2 Naismith miles | David & Sheila Longton
This long but relatively gentle walk starts from Kirkby Lonsdale, and takes quiet lanes through High Casterton to Casterton Village. From here we follow the base of Barbon Low Fell over to Barbon where we cross the A683 and return through Kirkby Lonsdale Golf course before taking a path down the side of the River Lune for a while. We briefly return to Casterton before finding a route back to our starting point via Casterton Golf Course and the caravan park.

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