Bull Beck

Lune Bridges

7.0 miles | 11.3 km | 140 m Ascent | 7.7 Naismith miles | Graham Cooper
Driving through Caton on the A683 is a frequent occurrence for those of us luck enough to live in or around Bentham, and so it’s easy to forget that Caton is a great place to start a walk.
It offers easy access to the river Lune, and the Millenium Park path, or as our Claughton or Annas Ghyll Walks showed, the moors above Brookhouse.
For this walk, we again start at Bull Beck and then take riverside paths down the Lune to the Crook O’Lune bridge before returning on the other side of the river using the millennium way. The route is a figure of 8 shape so there’s an obvious opportunity to split it into two shorter walks if time is pressing or you want to explore Halton or kill time lazing by the river.

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Bull Beck and Annas Ghyll

5.3 miles | 8.5 km | 228 m Ascent | 6.4 Naismith miles | Don Cartledge
An easy walk takes us out from Bull Beck car park down the Millennium park way to Caton where we head up toward Brookhouse Methodist Church. Here we take a path over fields toward Gresgarth Hall, before taking a path over open fields to a green lane and the Littledale Road.
A short road section takes us to Annas Ghyll where we crest the ridge and walk down to Caton Green Road. A path through housing takes back into open fields and we return to the A683 and Bull Beck car park

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