Please donate
Why we seek donations
from non-members
Your donations keep the site alive: Thank you!
- We make the contents of the website, all the curated walks and user advice available to you free of charge.
- The hundreds of man-hours of work behind that are provided by unpaid volunteers.
- As you have already seen, you do not need to be a paid member to access the walks
- We do this because we want to encourage safe and responsible use of the wonderful walking area that we are lucky enough to call home.
- But, running the group and maintaining the website costs money.
- Our members pay a small membership fee.
- So . . . If you want to use one of our walks, and are able to help, we would be happy to receive a small donation.
- Any amount, however large or small, is very welcome, whether £1, £5, £10 or more!
- This will help us maintain the site.
- We do not, and never will, make a profit – nobody is paid and no individuals get any part of your donation
- So any surplus at the end of each year will usually be donated to appropriate charities.
- In the past we have supported Air Ambulance and Mountain Rescue organisations.
- Donations are entirely voluntary . . . We have no pay walls, and if you are not able to donate, we are happy that you use the site for free.