Next Walk

Join us on our next walk . . .

On Thursday 11th

Hutton Roof Crags (evening)

4 miles

Lairgill 6:00pm

The July evening walk, led by Valerie Eccles and Mary Pickstone, is on Thursday 11th. This 3.5 mile stroll starts from Hutton Roof village, from where we climb quickly to Hutton Roof Crags (a site of special scientific interest known for its limestone pavement). At the walks highest point there are extensive views of the Lakeland fells and Bowland moors and as we descend back, the views continue with the Howgills and Ingleborough dominating the skyline. If it’s a nice evening, bring a snack and we can pause at the top to take in the panorama. This walk is anticipated to be EASY

But what will the weather be doing? . . . .